Manage Payroll Overview

The Manage Payroll window displays the list of all payroll registers for the selected accounting cycle.

Use this window to enter employee time, change account code allocations if necessary, submit payroll registers, approve payroll registers, and print payroll checks.

See Payroll Security for required permissions to perform functions in Manage Payroll.

Payroll register statuses

Process a payroll

  1. Create a payroll register.

  2. Adjust pay as needed.

  3. Optional. Preview net pay. Note: You won't see employer-side deductions in this view.

  4. Submit the payroll register for review.

  5. Review the register.

  6. Approve the payroll register. Note: This step can't be undone. If you need to make corrections, you'll have to void the payroll register and start over, including re-entering all timesheet information.

  7. Create the direct deposit file. Note: You can complete this step either before or after you approve the payroll register.

  8. Print employee paychecks and direct deposit paystubs.

  9. Verify regular & direct deposit payroll checks.

Other Manage Payroll functions & topics

About payroll checks & direct deposit

Create special registers

Change account codes for a job on a register

Remove jobs from a register

View the details of a job on a register

View an employee's deductions included on a payroll register

Undo the submission of a payroll register

Delete a payroll register

Review leave taken by employees

Reprint payroll checks

Void a payroll register

Void payroll checks

Preview net pay


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