Submit a Payroll Register

Paychecks can't be printed until the payroll register is submitted and approved.

A submitted payroll register is awaiting approval. Submitting a payroll register combines job salaries and applies deductions, but doesn't write any transactions to the general ledger.

A submitted register can no longer be edited. If you need to make changes to it, you'll need to unsubmit the register.

Submit a payroll register

  1. Select Manage Payroll from the Payroll menu. The Manage Payroll window opens listing all the payroll registers for the selected accounting cycle.

  2. Check the box for the new payroll register you want to submit.

  3. Click the Submit Register button at the bottom of the window, and a popup window opens asking you to confirm the action.

  4. Click Yes, This process may take quite a while, depending on the size of your payroll, and you may see a message that the job has been processed and is now in the queue. You'll be notified when it's complete, and when complete, the register's status is set to Submitted. The gross amount of pay included on the register is now displayed in the Manage Payroll window.

In case there were any exceptions during the submission that caused AptaFund to remove any employees from the register, you must next use the Display Exceptions feature.

Continue with Display Payroll Register Exceptions

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