Mass Update Job Information

Use the Mass Update feature in the Employee Jobs window to edit selected fields for a group of jobs. Fields available in this window are: contract status & date, approved date, comment, FTE, job begin & end dates, hours per day, rate, primary job designation, and the custom fields for your state.

  1. Select Employee Jobs from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Check the box(es) for the jobs you want to update, and select Mass Update Jobs from the More menu. The Mass Update Employee Jobs window opens. Your mass update window will contain the custom fields for your state.

  3. Enter the new data in the related field(s). Note: The checkbox for an update field will be automatically checked when you make a selection or enter text in the field.

  4. Click Save. The information is updated, and the Result window opens displaying the changes that were made. Note: You may want to export the results to either Excel or PDF.

  5. Click Close when you're finished reviewing the results.


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