Add an Account

Each account in the chart of accounts must be unique and must conform to the account format(s) defined in Structure Maintenance.

You can display the individual account code elements in separate columns in the Chart of Accounts window by selecting them in the Display Settings dialog.

Add an account

  1. Select Chart of Accounts from the Chart of Accounts menu, and this window opens.

  2. Select the Accounting Cycle to which you want to add an account. Note: The list includes all open accounting cycles in the system.

  3. Select the Account Type Group to which you want to add an account, and any existing accounts are now displayed. Sample window

  4. Click Add, and the Chart of Accounts Detail window opens with pull-down lists for each element in the selected account structure. Note: This window will reflect your organization's account format(s).

  5. Complete the fields as described.

  6. Click Save.

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