Set the Fund & Controlling Elements

Each account structure is required to have a designated fund element, and each account format must have a designated controlling element.

Set the fund element

You can set and change the designated fund element as often as needed before you accept the structure definition.

  1. While in the Structure Maintenance window with the new, undefined structure selected from the Structure pull-down list, check the box for the element you want to use as fund element.

  2. Select Set Fund Element from the More menu. The operation is performed, and the element's status is displayed as Fund.

Set the controlling element(s)

If your state uses the same account format for all three types of account — expenditure, revenue, and balance sheet — you'll set only one controlling element. If your state uses more than one account format, you'll set a controlling element for each account format.

You set the controlling element(s) before you accept the structure definition.

  1. While in the Structure Maintenance window with the new, undefined structure selected from the Structure pull-down list, check the box for an element you want to use as a controlling element.

  2. Select Set Controlling Element from the More menu. The operation is performed, and the element's status is displayed as Controlling.

  3. Repeat steps 1-2 as needed.

Once the fund and controlling elements are set, you're ready to enter the account formats.


Continue with Enter Account Formats

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