Acknowledge Documents

From time to time your employer will upload documents — such as contracts and confidentiality agreements — to the ESS portal and require that you acknowledge you received them. You'll receive an automated email stating that such a document has been uploaded, and you'll need to acknowledge receipt through ESS.

You'll also see a list of documents needing acknowledgment in the My Documents grid on the dashboard when you first login to the portal. You can acknowledge documents directly from the dashboard or from the My Documents window.

Acknowledge from the dashboard

  1. When you login to the ESS portal, your dashboard opens.

  2. Click on the in the My Documents grid, and the Acknowledge Document window opens.

  3. Click the Download/Print Document link, and navigate to where you want to save the document.

  4. If you've already reviewed the document, enter any Comments and your Password, and click Acknowledge. You'll be notified that the document was acknowledged, and the status will be displayed in the My Documents window.
    If you need to review the document before acknowledging it, click Cancel, and review the document. Note: When you're ready to acknowledge it, you'll need to access it from the My Documents window.

Acknowledge from the My Documents window

  1. When you login to the ESS portal, your dashboard opens.

  2. Either click on the My Documents link just above the My Documents grid, or select My Documents from the My AptaFund > Employee Self-Service menu. The My Documents window opens.

  3. Click on the in the Actions column, and the Acknowledge Document window opens.

  4. Click the Download/Print Document link, and navigate to where you want to save the document.

  5. If you've already reviewed the document, enter any Comments and your Password, and click Acknowledge. You'll be notified that the document was acknowledged, and the status will be displayed in the My Documents window.
    If you need to review the document before acknowledging it, click Cancel, and review the document. Note: When you're ready to acknowledge it, you'll need to access it from the My Documents window.

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