Rollover Payroll Cycles & Periods

The Rollover Payroll Cycles and Periods command is part of the AptaFund FYE Rollover Process. Do not attempt to use this command without being familiar with this process. Refer to the AptaFund FYE User Guide for instructions. The latest version is in Team Support > Knowledge Base > AptaFund 4.1 Documents > Rollover > Fiscal Year End User Guide.

Refer to the Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist for the order in which to perform the rollover functions.

About rolling over payroll cycles & periods

You may create new payroll cycles from scratch in the new year or roll them over. Rolling over a payroll cycle will allow all employee jobs on that cycle to maintain their payment plans when those jobs are approved in the new fiscal year.

Before you begin

Rollover payroll cycles and periods

  1. Select the old accounting cycle from the Accounting Cycle link in the upper right corner of the window.

  2. Select Payroll Configuration from the Payroll module, then click on the Payroll Cycles tab.

  3. Click on the Rollover Payroll Cycles and Periods button, and the Rollover Payroll Cycles and Periods window opens.

  4. Enter the New Payroll Cycle Name. Remember to use a name for the cycle that will be descriptive enough that users in other parts of the Payroll module will be able to identify the correct payroll cycle to use. You could include the pay frequency or the type of employee to be paid through this cycle.

  5. In Pay Period Intervals:

  6. The First Pay Period:

  7. Click OK. The system rolls over the pay cycle to the new fiscal year and increments the year on all period begin, end, and pay dates.

You may edit the pay dates as desired until an employee is assigned to the payroll cycle. Once that occurs, the period begin and end dates are locked. Note: The pay date on the period is the default pay date used on new payroll registers and can be changed once the register is created. It is the date that shows on paychecks and on the direct deposit file.


Return to Payroll Configuration — Payroll Cycles Tab

Return to Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist