Mass Update Salaries

Use the Mass Update Salaries feature to increase the salaries for selected New and Closed jobs.

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Select Mass Update Salaries from the More menu, and the Specify Salary Update Formula window opens.

  3. Enter the parameters to use in updating the salaries. Once percentage and/or amount values are entered and one of the radio buttons is selected, the resulting formula will be displayed in the Salary Update Formula field.

  4. If needed, customize the formula to meet special salary increase requirements. Use the variables Salary and FTE with parentheses for grouping and mathematical operators for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).

  5. (Optional) Click Example to display how the current Salary Update Formula will affect an employee with a salary of $30,000 and an FTE of 1.0. For example, if you used the FTE Adjusted Percentage Plus Amount with a percentage of 2.75 and an amount of 199, the Example popup would display a new salary of $31,024.00.

  6. Click Select Jobs.

  7. Check the boxes to select the jobs for which you want to update the salaries.

  8. Click Mass Update Salaries. When the process is complete, the total number of successes and failures is displayed at the top of the window. The Status column displays the success or failure for each job, and the Message column displays the reason for any failures.

  9. Optional. Export the results list by clicking the in the upper right corner.

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