Edit a Journal Entry

You can only edit journal entries that have not yet been posted.

The example in this topic uses the Journal Entry - Actual window.

  1. Select Actual - Journal Entry from the General Ledger menu. The window opens displaying the list all actual transactions for the current accounting cycle.

  2. Check the box for the unposted transaction you want to edit, and click the Edit button. The Actual Journal Entry window opens.

  3. Change the fields as needed.

  4. Add transaction lines as needed.

  5. Edit transaction lines as needed by clicking the Account Code link for the transaction line you want to edit. The Edit Journal Entry Line window opens.

  6. Make the needed changes, and click Save.

  7. When you're returned to the Actual Journal Entry window, click Save, then post the transaction, or click the Return to Journal link.

Return to Journal Entry Overview

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