Reconcile a Bank Account

The goal of reconciling is to make sure your records in AptaFund Match your bank account statement.

If you have missed several months, the best way to catch up is to reconcile each month separately until you are current. Then if you find discrepancies, it will be easier to find the source.

If you need to close the Reconcile Account window in the middle of reconciling, AptaFund will save your changes.

The Reconcile Account window does not display previous reconciliations. To view a previous reconciliation, run the Bank Account Reconciliation Report.

Reconcile a bank account

  1. Select Bank Account Register from the Banking menu, and the window opens.

  2. Select the Bank with the account you want to reconcile from the pull-down list.

  3. Select the Account Number from the pull-down list. The window will display the transactions for the selected bank account.
    Note: Transactions marked R have been cleared on previous reconciliations or voided at the source, and transactions marked C have been marked to clear on a currently open reconciliation.

  4. Click Reconcile Accounts, and the that window opens displaying all the transactions available to be cleared.

  5. Edit the default Statement Date if it doesn't match the ending date on the bank statement. Note: The Last Reconciled date is read only and is the ending date from the previous reconciliation.

  6. Enter the ending balance from the bank statement in the Ending Balance field. Note: The Beginning Balance is read only and is the ending balance from the previous reconciliation.

  7. Check the box(es) for transactions that have cleared the bank.

  8. When you've selected all the transactions to clear, click Mark. AptaFund calculates the amounts for Deposits, Withdrawals, Total Cleared, and Difference.
    Note: The transactions you've marked will be designated with Yes in the Cleared column in this window and will be designated with C in the Cleared column in the Bank Account Register window.
    Note: If you find you've marked an item that shouldn't be cleared, check its box, and click Unmark.

  9. When the Difference field is $0.00, the Finished button is visible. Click it to finish the reconciliation.
    Note: The Difference field will display $0.00 when (Beginning Balance – Total Cleared Withdrawals + Total Cleared Deposits) – Ending Balance = 0.00

  10. A Result window will open displaying successes and failures. Click Close to close the window after reviewing the results.

If you can't get the Difference field to $0.00, you'll need to find and correct the discrepancies. Click here for help.


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